
Showing posts from August, 2021

My Future Plans

     The idea or mention of art therapy is rather foreign to most people. Art therapy has people create art in order to enhance certain functions of the brain or to comfort the person. "Kinesthetic, sensory, perceptual, and symbolic opportunities invite alternative modes of receptive and expressive communication, which can circumvent the limitations of language." (American Art Therapy Association). Art therapy does no necessarily mean that you have to be good at art, but is rather a way of expressing oneself.      When coming to the conclusion of wanting to pursue art therapy, I was drawn to the idea of using art to help a person with their needs. Drawing has always helped me when I could not put into words what I was feeling. I want to help others with their problems by using art. As stated earlier art therapy is not common but it definitely growing in popularity.     Art therapy is not only beneficial to children but in teens and adults as well. I personally would like to w