I was born deaf


    It is unusual for a baby born naturally to have pneumonia, but I did. Pneumonia means that I had fluid in my lungs which caused me to have trouble breathing. Because of the antibiotics I was on after I was born, I had to be taken to get a hearing screening done at seven months old. The results from the hearing test came in and it turned out that I was completely deaf in both ears. The doctors wanted to schedule a corrective surgery and said that if I didn't have the surgery I would never hear or speak. My mother asked to wait to schedule the surgery so she could pray. My mother said that if God had decided to not heal my ears then it would be all right to go ahead with the surgery.

    A month later I was taken to a pediatrician because I was sick with a cold. The doctor looked in one of my ears and saw a change. There was no fluid in that ear. The doctor looked in my other ear and saw that there was still fluid in that one.

    After a follow up visit with an ear nose and throat doctor he confirmed one of my ears was healed but he still wanted to push through with the surgery for the other ear. After seeing what God did for my first ear my mother was convinced God could heal the other. A couple months later at another follow up appointment with the ENT he confirmed that both ears were completely healed. Eighteen years later and my ears are still completely fine.
