My Personal Essay

     When we first talked about writing our personal essays I wasn't the most excited about the idea. I don't have a problem sharing things about me because it's life and everyone's is different, but I get nervous about people's reactions. I knew we weren't going to have to share them, but I was still nervous. I eventually  landed on the topic of divorced parents. More specifically, my experience with divorced parents. I am pretty sure that every child of divorce can say that it is not easy. Dealing with one-sided stories, having to choose between parents, and parents lying about the other. Parents have such a huge impact and influence on a child. Some parents take advantage of that.

    Writing this essay brought up a lot of suppressed memories. None of the memories were good, sadly. There was lots of "do this" from one parent because "the other doesn't know what they're doing." As a child I listened. I didn't want to disappoint or cause conflict. I was always going back and forth with what to do and who to listen to. At one house I acted a certain way and at the other a different way was the perfect solution from my younger self. Listening to a certain parent got me into a very bad situation that will stick with me forever. I cannot change what happened and it is something I have to live with. Sadly, it could have been avoided.

    I love both of my parents and I know they love me, but I am an adult now and can make my own decisions. If I want to live a certain lifestyle and a certain belief then that is what I am going to do. My choices are not because someone is forcing them onto me. I am absolutely in love with my God and my church.
