
    I am never dog sitting again. My sister went out of town this weekend and asked if I could watch her dog, Myles to which I happily replied "Yes!". I thought this was going to be a great weekend, but I was wrong. This dog is awful. He is adorable, but awful. My sister dropped Myles off Wednesday before she and my mom left Thursday morning. Wednesday night was great and he didn't bother me. Thursday morning I was rudely awaked to Myles scratching and biting me at six in the morning.

    Thursday I had time in between each class to come home and take care of Myles. It was going great!. We went on a walk and played with all of his toys. Thursday night when I got home from work was not so great. he was at the living room window crying and barking all night. I tried my best to get him to go to sleep and it finally worked. Friday morning I was woken up at seven by again, being scratched. Friday was my day to sleep in and not have to go to work...Myles had other plans. He thought it was best that I should be awake early to watch him run around the house.

    For the cherry on top this dog pooped all over the carpeted living room. I have never see so much from one medium size dog. He knows that I am upset because he is in a completely different room and won't even look at me. But, ever since he decided to perform that wretched act, he has not barked once. The silence in this house is louder than his bark and I have never been so happy and so upset at the same time.
