
     Throughout my life I have had many passions. Some have stayed with me to this day and some were just phases. My passions consisted of cooking, Bible quizzing, cake decorating, poetry, drawing, painting, and volleyball. The only passion that has stayed with me is drawing. Lately I haven't had much time for it because of school, work, and friends. Those take up a majority of my life and I just haven't really felt inspired lately. It's a little scary to me that I haven't felt like drawing anything because I love doing it and it is something that I'm good at. I just need to have a deep dive on Pinterest for inspiration.

    I was always jealous of the people that could draw things from their imagination. For me I need references. I'm able to copy anything that I see on a screen and put it onto paper, but with my own little twist. My favorite piece I did was when a girl at my church was going to read a poem she wrote for the church. She asked me to read the poem and draw whatever I thought fit the poem. This was a good opportunity for me to reach into my imagination and put what I saw on paper. 

    The poem was called "I Saw Faith / A Call." She wrote about being lost while still seeking and God being right there always reaching out for us. That is what I based my drawing off of. Being in the trenches and looking for God, but him being right there reaching for us in every situation.
