God Always has a Plan

    Recently I have been thinking about God and his plans for me. During the end of my senior year and all of summer I thought that His plan for me was to go to IUPUI. There were all of these signs that I thought were leading me to Indianapolis, but really it was just me listening to my wants. Almost everything was lining up except for housing. I had a very good job lined up, one of my best friends was going to attend there as well, and I was in love with campus and the city. The only thing my mother and I could not figure out was housing. Where was I going to live that wouldn't put me in debt?

    My mom really felt that I wasn't supposed to go away for college. Even my dad and stepmom felt that as well which was a big sign I should have seen that I should stay home because they are very big on me making my own decisions. Time was running out to find housing so I ended up applying to Purdue and going to school here. I am so glad I did. I have met very amazing people here and I love the small campus. I would have never made it around IUPUI's campus with my terrible sense of directions. Sometimes I can barely make it around Purdue's campus, but I love it here.

    If I had left I would be at a completely different church and it wouldn't feel right. My church here is my home and my family. If I was at IUPUI I wouldn't have met my boyfriend who I am so grateful for. I would have missed so much if I left home. Everything would be completely different. I thank God everyday for guiding me through everything. He always knows what is best for us so that all things work together for our good.
