Kentucky Trip

    While scrolling through my pictures in my phone I came across pictures from a vacation a couple years ago. We took my friend, Ari, to Kentucky for my sixteenth birthday. I love going horseback riding so my mom booked an eight hour trip horseback riding with a break for lunch on the mountains. We were all so excited but my mom hates horseback riding so she went hiking while my sister, Ari, and I unknowingly were going to have a very rough time. Before we started heading up the mountain with our horses the guide warned us of horseflies that were going to bother us at the bottom of the mountain. He said they would stop the more we headed towards the top. 

    We start heading up the mountain and the flies are torturous. They bite you constantly and it feels like a hard pinch. It wasn't even the pain that was bad but it was the constant biting for about and hour and a half. We reach the halfway point and the lunch spot is very pretty. It had an open spot where you could step out on the rocks and look at the mountains. We ate for about half an hour and headed back down the mountain. This is when things slowly go downhill (no pun intended). As we start our trip back down it starts to rain. The rain started off light and quickly started pouring. This was during the summer so we all dressed for hot weather. We didn't expect to be freezing and sopping wet. The trip back in the rain with the horseflies biting once again took about two hours. 

    We got to the bottom of the mountain and the guide asked if we could help load the horses in the trailer. While my sister was waiting with her horse the horse actually stepped on her toe and would not get off. I heard her yell for me and had to push the horse off. Thankfully her toe was not broken but it was a little swollen. Words cannot describe the pain, cold, and disbelief we were all in during that trip. As soon as we got in the car we blasted the heat and order Chinese food to the hotel. That was probably the best Chinese food we've ever eaten.
