
Showing posts from September, 2021

My Personal Essay

      When we first talked about writing our personal essays I wasn't the most excited about the idea. I don't have a problem sharing things about me because it's life and everyone's is different, but I get nervous about people's reactions. I knew we weren't going to have to share them, but I was still nervous. I eventually  landed on the topic of divorced parents. More specifically, my experience with divorced parents. I am pretty sure that every child of divorce can say that it is not easy. Dealing with one-sided stories, having to choose between parents, and parents lying about the other. Parents have such a huge impact and influence on a child. Some parents take advantage of that.     Writing this essay brought up a lot of suppressed memories. None of the memories were good, sadly. There was lots of "do this" from one parent because "the other doesn't know what they're doing." As a child I listened. I didn't want to  disappoin


      Throughout my life I have had many passions. Some have stayed with me to this day and some were just phases. My passions consisted of cooking, Bible quizzing, cake decorating, poetry, drawing, painting, and volleyball. The only passion that has stayed with me is drawing. Lately I haven't had much time for it because of school, work, and friends. Those take up a majority of my life and I just haven't really felt inspired lately. It's a little scary to me that I haven't felt like drawing anything because I love doing it and it is something that I'm good at. I just need to have a deep dive on Pinterest for inspiration.     I was always jealous of the people that could draw things from their imagination. For me I need references. I'm able to copy anything that I see on a screen and put it onto paper, but with my own little twist. My favorite piece I did was when a girl at my church was going to read a poem she wrote for the church. She asked me to read the poe


    I am never dog sitting again. My sister went out of town this weekend and asked if I could watch her dog, Myles to which I happily replied "Yes!". I thought this was going to be a great weekend, but I was wrong. This dog is awful. He is adorable, but awful. My sister dropped Myles off Wednesday before she and my mom left Thursday morning. Wednesday night was great and he didn't bother me. Thursday morning I was rudely awaked to Myles scratching and biting me at six in the morning.     Thursday I had time in between each class to come home and take care of Myles. It was going great!. We went on a walk and played with all of his toys. Thursday night when I got home from work was not so great. he was at the living room window crying and barking all night. I tried my best to get him to go to sleep and it finally worked. Friday morning I was woken up at seven by again, being scratched. Friday was my day to sleep in and not have to go to work...Myles had other plans. He tho

I was born deaf

         It is unusual for a baby born naturally to have pneumonia, but I did. Pneumonia means that I had fluid in my lungs which caused me to have trouble breathing. Because of the antibiotics I was on after I was born, I had to be taken to get a hearing screening done at seven months old. The results from the hearing test came in and it turned out that I was completely deaf in both ears. The doctors wanted to schedule a corrective surgery and said that if I didn't have the surgery I would never hear or speak. My mother asked to wait to schedule the surgery so she could pray. My mother said that if God had decided to not heal my ears then it would be all right to go ahead with the surgery.     A month later I was taken to a pediatrician because I was sick with a cold. The doctor looked in one of my ears and saw a change. There was no fluid in that ear. The doctor looked in my other ear and saw that there was still fluid in that one.     After a follow up visit with an ear nose and